速報APP / 通訊 / Hawkes Bay Chamber of Commerce

Hawkes Bay Chamber of Commerce





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:14 Heipipi Drive, Eskdale, Napier 4112

Hawkes Bay Chamber of Commerce(圖1)-速報App

“To Promote Business Vitality in Hawke's Bay”

Hawkes Bay Chamber of Commerce(圖2)-速報App

Hawkes Bay Chamber of Commerce(圖3)-速報App

As part of the largest 'by business, for business' organisation in the world, the focus of the Hawke's Bay Chamber of Commerce is an integral part of the brand - 'business vitality'. Connected to the International Chambers of Commerce and an Accredited Member of the NZ Chambers of Commerce, the Hawke's Bay Chamber's strongest advocates are those members who recognise the unique position of this organisation in the business community. Whether their businesses are long-established or new initiatives and operate locally, nationally or globally, members who work their association with the Chamber benefit their own organisations and the wider business community.

Hawkes Bay Chamber of Commerce(圖4)-速報App

The Hawke's Bay Chamber of Commerce is accredited to the NZ Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Inc.). NZCCI is an umbrella organisation serving the interests of 32 New Zealand Chambers of Commerce. These in turn represent over 20,000 businesses – most of the small to medium enterprises that are the backbone of business in NZ. The Hawke's Bay Chamber of Commerce is an Incorporated Society. The NZCCI is affiliated to the International Chambers of Commerce the world's largest business organisation. The accreditation link from local Chambers of Commerce to NZCCI requires that Chambers meet prescribed standards of service to their members. Accreditation is revalidated annually.

Hawkes Bay Chamber of Commerce(圖5)-速報App

Hawkes Bay Chamber of Commerce(圖6)-速報App